Castellucci a Vienna. Il pubblico protesta, ma il sacerdote della Cattedrale lo difende | No Cristianofobia – Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia nel mondo


CastellucciNon è certo una novità la performance “Sul concetto di volto nel Figlio di Dio” di Romeo Castellucci. Come molti sanno, nella scena più famosa vengono tirati sassi ed escrementi sul volto di Gesù di Antonello da Messina. Non è nemmeno una novità che questo spettacolo crei, ovunque venga presentato, una montagna di proteste a non finire.
Mai più, però, ci si aspetterebbe che sia un parroco a difendere Castellucci. Il già più volte imbarazzante mons. Anton Faber della Cattedrale di S. Stefano a Vienna si è perciò sdegnato della reazione dei cattolici che gridavano “Basta”, “Vergogna”. “
Ho rispetto per la sensibilità religiosa,” ha detto il sacerdote “ma non dobbiamo autocommiserarci troppo”. Forse per lui non è un problema che si lancino escrementi sul volto di Gesù. E ha aggiunto: “La pubblica protesta era probabilmente dovuta alla scusabile ignoranza dell’opera di Castellucci”.

Insomma, che i cattolici studino un po’ prima di arrabbiarsi se un Castellucci qualunque tira fango su Gesù…
13 maggio 2013
Protest Against Castellucci’s Blasphemy at Vienna’s Burgtheater — For Cathedral Rector Faber “Artificial Outrage”

Edit: it’s no small wonder that the Mason-loving, Communist promoting Cathedral Rector of Vienna’s most ancient edifice condemns Catholics who are outraged that the Faith is being disparaged at public expense. It’s more surprising that the Porno-Rector hasn’t invited Castellucci to perform the play in the Stepensdom itself, with the Danube Cardinal’s full approval of course.

(Vienna) Romeo Castellucci’s blasphemous piece about the Concept of the Face of the Son of God was listed at the Vienna Festival Weeks at the Vienna Burgtheater. On Saturday night there was at the premiere to massive boos and catcalls. As in Paris and Milan this had occurred because of the blasphemous scenes vehement objections from the public. In Paris, young Catholics had occupied the stage in 2011 and had been taken away by the police. Castellucci’s piece is da Messina performed before an oversized picture of Jesus by Renaissance painter Antonello. The representation of the Son of God is smeared with feces and pelted with stones. From the audience there resounded on Saturday: “Such a mess!”, “Stop it!”, “Shame on you!”

Castellucci is passed around since the protests against his God insult from the left Kulturschickeria. In Germany, he joined with another piece on already at the Ruhr Festival.

The author talks about a true to life representation of human existence. This also included the rebellion against an overpowering image of God, from which it suffers remanded to Castellucci.

This Sunday there was an “artist talk” between Castellucci and the Vienna Cathedral Priest Toni Faber. Faber distanced himself from protesting Catholics, their displeasure which was expressed by booing against the insult of the divine persons. The Vienna daily Die Presse quoted the Parish Priest with the words: “I have respect for religious sensitivities, but we must not be too self-pitying.” The public protests were, says Faber, “perhaps” through ignorance of Castellucci’s play “excusable”. An insulted Jesus caked with feces doesn’t represent a problem for Vienna’s Cathedral Rector. The question was raised “for artificial outrage”.

It was a different issue altogether for Berlin Archbishop Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki, as the piece was performed in March 2012 in Berlin at the Theater Hebbel am Ufer. Cardinal Woelki described the piece as “indecent” because “what is important and holy to people is drawn from people’s beliefs and dragged through the mud.”

Fonte: Eponymous Flower

Fonte: Castellucci a Vienna. Il pubblico protesta, ma il sacerdote della Cattedrale lo difende | No Cristianofobia – Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia nel mondo.

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