Seattle. Manifestanti cristiani aggrediti durante il Gay Pride | No Cristianofobia – Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia nel mondo

Un video postato il 3 luglio mostra la chiara aggressione di alcuni manifestanti pacifici. Due cristiani sono stati minacciati e uno preso vigorosamente a pugni solo perché portava un cartello: “Pentitevi, altrimenti”, “Gesù salva dal peccato”.
I sostenitori del Gay Pride hanno prima cercato di strappargli il cartello dalle mani. Poi, vista la resistenza passiva del manifestante, in diversi sono passati alle maniere forti, comprese le donne.
Le immagini parlano da sole.
L’uomo a petto nudo che sferra i pugni migliori si chiama Jason Queree, arrestato 29 volte dal 1995. Fra i reati: falso, ricettazione, detenzione illegale di arma da fuoco, furto, violenza domestica, aggressione.
Ma ripetiamo. Non è solo uno a partecipare all’aggressione. Sono in molti. Tutti infastiditi dalla presenza di un manifestante cristiano che “osa” disturbare il pacifico Pridefest.


3 luglio 2013
Video shows men attacking religious protesters at Pridefest


SEATTLE — A protester holding a sign reading “Repent or Else” was attacked by a group of people following a loud argument during Pridefest Sunday, according to the Seattle Police Department.


Bicycle officers heard a loud debate between two groups of people near Fourth Avenue North and Broad Street but continued on their way.


According to video shot by a witness, after officers leave the crowd continues to yell at and shove two religious protesters, one of whom is holding a sign that reads “Repent or Else” and “Jesus Saves from Sin.”


At one point, the video shows a 36-year-old Marysville man taking off his shirt and threatening the sign-holding protester. The man eventually starts leaving, saying, “Cops are coming; let’s roll.”


After a group of women try unsuccessfully to steal the protester’s sign, a group of men grab onto it and pull him to the ground while the crowd applauds. That’s when the video shows the 36-year-old run back toward the fight and punch the sign-holder in the back of the head multiple times.


Officers returned to the scene after the fight was broken up and arrested the 36-year-old, who was booked into King County Jail. A 22-year-old, also from Marysville, who the video shows grabbing the protester’s sign and kicking him while on the ground was arrested and later released. Both men are facing possible misdemeanor assault charges.


UPDATE: Jason Queree, the man suspected of punching the protester multiple times, has been arrested 29 times since 1995. He has been convicted or otherwise found against for nine felonies, including forgery, stolen property, unlawful firearm possession and theft, and 12 misdemeanors, including driving with a suspended license, vehicle prowl, domestic violence, assault, DUI and criminal trespass.


By Michael Harthorne


Fonte: Komonews

Fonte: Seattle. Manifestanti cristiani aggrediti durante il Gay Pride | No Cristianofobia – Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia nel mondo.

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