Protesta contro le affermazioni di Tehmina Janjua

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo questo intervento di Mobeen Shahid, fondatore della Associazione dei Cristiani Pakistani in Italia, per chiedere maggiore rispetto alla Chiesa, al Papa e ai cristiani in Pakistan

Your Excellency Tehmina Janjua,
Hereby I, in the capacity of founder of the Association of Pakistani Christians in Italy, would like to have your attention at the provocative remarks of H. E. Federal Minister Rehman Malik on the 14th of January 2013. The text says “Qadri is acting like a semi-pope, but the pope’s hat is larger than that of Qadri.”
We, as Association of Pakistani Christians in Italy, want to register our protest against such provocative remarks which ridicule the dignity of the Holy Father who is successer of Jesus Christ at St. Peter’s See.
Religious Minorities of Pakistan, in particulare, christians have always contributed in the foundation, development and service of their homeland. The Holy Father has always asked the christians to be “creative minorities” in the nations they belong to.
Sure of your wise understanding of the matter I take the occasion to pay cordial regards!

Prof. Shahid Mobeen
Pontifical Lateran University
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano, 4
00120 Città del Vaticano

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