Francia. Prete picchiato dalla polizia durante una manifestazione

Da qualche ora gira su YouTube un video shock del pestaggio di un prete cattolico ad opera della polizia. In Italia, al momento, nessuno ne parla.
La vicenda non è ancora ben definita, ma le immagini parlano chiaro.
Sul web ci sono due video, uno breve postato da Porta Sant’Anna, e uno più lungo (circa 8 minuti) di L
ine Press France.
Sul sito Protect the Pope il commento: “
I governi mondiali non vogliono che la gente difenda i principi. Non vogliono che li abbia. Hanno sottovalutato, forse, quante persone saranno disposte a perdere la loro libertà, o addirittura morire, per difendere un unico principio”.

22 parile 2013
Shocking Youtube video shows French police attacking and kicking a Catholic priest for protesting gay marriage

By Deacon Nick Donnelly

Eccles and That the Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill have posted Youtube footage that shows the French police pushing a Catholic priest to the ground and kicking him for trying to protect a young person during a demonstration defending marriage from the Socialist government’s plans for same-sex marriage. As Bones so rightly observes every one should watch this video because it graphically shows our future, the future of Catholics in this country who will not join the quislings in the compromising the Faith.

That the Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill posted the following:

‘Eccles just tweeted something the whole world needs to see.

To be precise, this is French police taking a priest by force and giving him a kicking for good measure.

The mask of ‘equality’ is slipping in France.

This is tyranny. This is what is coming to our country, but with far less resistance.

Watch it here from 4.10 and pray for these brave priests and ordinary French citizens, whose right to protest against same-sex marriage – or rather – whose right to defend the fundamental premise upon which rests the institution of marriage rests, is being violently removed from them.

This is what happens when people try to defend their nation, the family, marriage and freedom.

This is our future.

This is the future of this country’s children.

The Governments of the world do not want people to defend principles. They don’t want people to have principles. They just get in the way of the plan. They have underestimated, perhaps, just how many people will be prepared to lose their freedom, or even die, just for a single principle.

I don’t know what page we are on in the Book of Revelation, but I think France has shown us that this dragon is going to take some slaying…

Fonte: Francia. Prete picchiato dalla polizia durante una manifestazione | No Cristianofobia – Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia nel mondo.

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